Monday, December 4, 2006

Pray For Our Leaders (1 Tim. 2:2)

"...for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." (2:2, ESV)

In verse 1 of chapter 2, Paul urges that Timothy should pray for all men and in the next verse expands on this idea of praying for all men by specifically stating that we should pray for those in high positions.

Christians are often very active in politics. There is merit in being active in the law-making affairs of our country. However, when Christians start to place politics as equal or higher then God, they are committing idolatry in the name of religious freedom. It bothers me when I see African-American churches invite members of the Democratic party to come speak inside the church and to take over the sacred pulpit in order to rally the members to vote for them. It also equally bothers me to see Anglo-American churches invite members of the Republican party to come speak inside their churches and to take over the sacred pulpit in order to rally the members to vote for them.

We must never blur the lines of politics and God...remember, politicians want to help their country but they also need votes in order to keep their jobs.

So what can we do to maintain that we live in a safe and just country? Pray for our leaders. I think most Christians (including myself) believe that prayer works but actively live as if prayer cannot move mountains. We are called to pray with faith and so many times we fail to do so.

Let's pray for President Bush and his advisers that they will make right and just decisions. Let's pray for the Supreme Court in that they will also make wise decisions. Let's also pray for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Harry Reid that they will make careful and wise decisions and protect the sanctity of human life.

Let's thank God for the privilege it is to live in this country and let's pray for its leaders. Prayer is the one action that we can make in politics that will have the highest impact.

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