Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Should Women be Quiet in Church? (1 Timothy 2:11)

"Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness." (1 Tim. 2:11, ESV).

Paul continues his directions on what is proper for women in the church setting with a somewhat startling statement to let a woman learn quietly with submission. What is Paul saying here? As with all controversial statements there are numerous explanations. Here are a few:

1) This was instruction only to Timothy's church in Ephesus - if this is the case and this instruction has no purpose today then why do have it in Scripture? I believe that this conclusion invariably leads to a slippery slope that eventually undermines the reliability of Scripture.

2) That women should not speak in church - I also don't feel that the inflection in the Greek should be translated this way. Some people use this as an excuse to demean women so that they have no say in church matters. This is just unloving and unbiblical. Let's look at the different ways that scholars have translated this passage:

NIV - Women should learn quietly and submissively.

NAS - A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

NKJ - Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.

NLT - Women should learn quietly and submissively.

ESV - Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.

The Message - They (the women) should study to be quiet and obedient along with everyone else.

So it seems that Paul urges that women should seek to learn quietly and in submission to the leadership of the church. Why did Paul have to teach this? Obviously there were women (and are women) who do not act this way. We will look more into this issue in the next post. But before we do, I'll state the third option for this passage that I ascribe to:

3) Women should learn quietly under the authority of the leaders in the church.

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